Water, always water...

In December the frost at -7°C in Péjuscla caused an outside water pipe to burst like a geyser ! Fortunately, our neighbours intervened to switch off the water at the meter. But too late, the water had already infiltrated the wall closest to the Museum. It was Sue, surrounded by a three-man team, who went to the rescue of the singular machines by putting some of them on chocks.

Visits in winter, why not ?

Although closed outside the three summer months, the Pierre Andrès Museum received six groups on request this winter :

• A cycle club.
• People from Nantes who were passing through.
• A vintage car club (photos below).
• A senior citizens’ club.
• A photo club.
• A group of hikers.

This experience allows us to consider in winter the reception of groups of adults - groups already constituted in a club or at least people who are used to working together. The only condition is that you make a request sufficiently in advance so that our volunteers can get themselves organised. The most favourable times to open the Museum are the second half of the morning or the afternoon from 3 p.m. onwards, at weekends as well as during the week.

A film in perspective !

A film on ‘the work of Pierre Andrès’ is currently in the making. Shots were taken at the end of February/beginning of March in Pierre’s former factory-workshop in Pont-Salomon, at the home of a carpenter from Firminy who has replicated or repaired a number of singular machines, in the Technorama in Winterthur, Switzerland (a museum that has 18 machines and can be considered the equivalent of La Villette).

This tour of the West ended at the home of Steve and Marie-Anges Waring, in the Monts du Lyonnais, who keep 35 machines alive.

We said goodbye to this old whetstone factory and the wooden cabin that Pierre built for himself in order to cope with the rigours of the climate.

A second round of interviews and filming will take place in the Lot in July. After that, the filmmaker will have to make the difficult choice of images, texts and music. Then the editing. Patience, the finished work will probably be presented at the Museum in the summer of 2024.


...and summer heralds our intensive opening in July, August and September - always on request at However, like each year, we will be open every day from the 1st to the 15th of August from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. A beautiful exhibition by the artist MIREÏ ESNOL will light up the walls of the Museum during the whole month of August.

Photo crédits © : J-G Tabaraud, S. Serres, M-A Andrès, V. Millet, C. Verdun,